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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 2633

12/29/2011 2:05:20 PM. - charlie - amiruciu albama

Someone. Help carve a pupkin.Help someone clmie a tree.That/s it.

12/29/2011 4:36:08 PM. - niki - malden

i gave my mom a card from Duke donuts

4/27/2012 4:02:30 PM. - katie marie speerstra - mt.pleasant,mi 48858

You mean dunkin doughnuts Awwwww yummy I bet you were hungry

ID: 2632

12/29/2011 1:27:23 AM - Nick - Thailand

Yes,I think I've got one a good act of kindness well, when

I met face to face my unpleasant and rude co-office mate

yesterday, but I say hello, and smile to him and ...) by

surprised he said back hello, to me as well. Well, in my

heart not only because its Christmas, I've forgiven him

long time ago, or else I won't say hello and smile to him.

ID: 2631

12/28/2011 1:31:59 AM - ipa - scotland

sing a random carol to a baby

ID: 2630

12/27/2011 4:22:08 PM - Stephen - Canada

I gave my sister a Rudolph doll for Christmas.

12/28/2011 7:32:45 AM - babby girl - city


12/30/2011 4:11:53 PM. - Claire - Alabama

So sweet I am sure she liked it!

ID: 2629

12/26/2011 10:59:59 PM - nadisha - hammkff

oyata cohomada

12/28/2011 7:34:05 AM - babby girl - city

oyata cohomada to you to.

ID: 2627

12/26/2011 5:20:19 PM - babby girl - city

this is how im kind.i love all of my family even step family.also im never sassy or a kinding young 8 year old babby girl.i never get cole for christmas and do not care what i get for cristmas by that i mean not like waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!i did not get what i wanted.thats what i mean by don't care what i get.litterly i do not care if i evan get a notebook for christmas.thats how im kind.

12/27/2011 2:59:46 AM. - anne - tagum city

that is so sweet of you

12/27/2011 10:17:09 PM - bree - austraila

that is the best act of kindness ever i hope everyone sees that

12/30/2011 5:48:43 PM - Brit - California

How nice

12/31/2011 8:16:44 AM - abbie - wisconsin

Happy new year

1/15/2012 12:38:07 PM - babby girl - city

Thank you

ID: 2626

12/26/2011 4:48:44 PM - Robin - Alabama

In line at Wal-Mart and a young mom with a beautiful blue eyed 2 year old talkative little boy. He was so cute and I could see the struggles so after I finished checking out I quietly gave cashier. $20 to put on her groceries. She asked "Do you know her?" I replied "No, tell her Merry Christmas"

12/26/2011 5:28:30 PM - babby girl - city

ahhh,you so sweet.did she need 20 more dollers or were you just being kind robin.did you have a good christmas?

12/27/2011 8:09:48 AM - Severina - Wisconsin

That was so kind of you to do that!

12/30/2011 5:45:02 PM - Brit - California

Robin, that was so nice of you. Even a penny is enough. I love it when people don't just think of themselves and they think of others as well.

1/6/2012 12:23:28 PM. - Ismael - Abu Dhabi

Robin, Good to know you carry out several acts of kindness, bringing up many smiles in your town. Now I know why they call it "Sweet Home Alabama" ;-)

Thumbs Up from the Desert !

4/21/2012 10:38:51 AM - babby girl - city

god <3s u

ID: 2625

12/26/2011 4:39:15 PM - Robin - Alabama

Picked 2 children who had a incarcerated parent but in the end I was only able to drop package knock and run to one because the sponsor group couldn't get in touch with the other family. This made me very sad. I finally decided to split that package up and randomly dropped packages on neighbors porches that I knew had children. I'll donate the clothes to SafePlace later.

12/26/2011 5:56:51 PM - babby girl - city

your soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet:)

1/1/2012 6:48:33 AM. - autie - USA

she is

ID: 2624

12/26/2011 11:04:35 AM - Jean - Columbus GA

Early in the year me and a friend were having dinner at our
local Dennys. We are both white haird ole ladies who apparently reminded him of his granny. We did not see this
young man, but he saw us. When we ask for our bill the server told us our dinner had been paid for by a young GI who eats in there regularly. It just made our evening and I
still talk about it. Decided to pass this kind act on so
recently ask a waitress at another resturant to find me a GI so I could pay it forward. She came back and said she had
found a GI Jane so I ask for her bill. She came back with the ticket having explained to "Jane" her lunch was paid for. She said Jane was pregnant with twins and tears had
come in her eyes. I didn't want to make her cry, but to make
her day. It made mine and because we live in a military town
I plan to do it again. It is more blessed to give than

12/26/2011 4:42:52 PM - Robin - Alabama

This was an awesome act of kindness. Our military deserve all Honor's. Thank you from a lifelong military dependent

12/26/2011 5:57:22 PM - babby girl - city

your so kind

1/27/2012 3:36:12 PM - Christian girl - California

That so nice God bless

ID: 2621

12/25/2011 9:52:13 PM - Alexandria - California

I know this isn't a random act of kindness, but I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

12/26/2011 1:34:34 AM - thushari - sri lanka,digana

same to you!!!!!!!!!!.

12/29/2011 4:38:08 PM. - niki - malden

me too

1/1/2012 6:49:36 AM. - autie - USA

you too

1/2/2012 7:51:16 PM. - Cliff - India

Thank you for sharing your cheerful heart and gods love..wish you the same.

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