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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 12811

12/22/2014 2:11:36 PM. - Sharon - Main

It was such a simple thing, I thought. Seeing an old friend in the drug store, saying her name and simply embracing her in a hug - a long one! And telling her that I loved her and kept her always in my prayers. After she left, one of the sales people came up to me and said: "that was so beautiful and so touching!" It was then that I realized how often in my own life a simple hug has given me hope and courage and how wonderful it is to feel loved.

ID: 12810

12/22/2014 1:09:41 PM. - Robin Zaleski - McKeesport Pa

It's a few days before Christmas and I went to get my hair cut yesterday! While waiting I saw a man and wife walk in, He was walking with a cane although he was a farly young man. They called him to the chair and I noticed the women started to cry. I asked if she was alright and she said chemo therapy is making his hair fall out. As they cut more of his hair off I tried to comfort her by telling her about different people that I knew that survived cancer but she just shook her head and said he wasn't doing well. As I got up to leave I wished her a Merry Christmas and I've never done this before but I hugged her even though she was a complete stranger and also started to cry. I hope she knows I'm still thinking of her and her husband and will be including him in my prayers.It made me feel good to comfort her as she watch her husband but I hope it also made her troubles a little lighter just to know someone cared.

ID: 12809

12/22/2014 10:01:36 AM. - sami - west lorne

I had to help an old lady and I realy like her she was so kind to me I gave her a home made cookie from my poket

ID: 12808

12/22/2014 7:33:20 AM. - Breana - McCeary County

I was outside on my porch when I saw that a 3 year old little girl was lost.I told her to come in.She came in and said she had no family and I took her in.

ID: 12807

12/22/2014 7:26:03 AM. - Breana - McCeary County

I have old toys I would like to give them to people who do not get toys.

ID: 12806

12/20/2014 7:06:09 PM - April - South Boston Va

I own a store selling used items. My items are not donated I purchase all. By the time overhead is paid I make less than minimum wage but love to help others. Had a lady blow a tire and with no spare we found and paid to replace it for her. While doing so I noticed her child's toes had worn holes through her shoes. I gave her some pretty new to her boots. So far this Christmas we have given away 2 dozen boots to needy individuals.

ID: 12805

12/20/2014 1:41:03 PM - Jan(Smiley) - Minot,ND

I was at the grocery store waiting in line behind an elderly lady, when she went to go pay for the little bit of groceries that she had her debt card didn't have enough on it so I paid for the balance. She was so thankful and the cashiers said that they had never seen anyone do that before. I not only made the ladies day but also gave a good lesson to the youngsters. It made my heart glad.

ID: 12804

12/20/2014 7:27:51 AM - Shayna - NC

I am in 6th grade Beta Club and need volunteer hours. I decided to bell ring for the salvation army. I rang for 2 hours and as I was ringing I noticed that not a lot of people were donating. My grandpa was there and said I collected plenty of money to get a few families Christmas dinner and presents. That made me feel really good! I hope this post inspires others to donate and volunteer. Merry Christmas!

ID: 12803

12/20/2014 5:37:38 AM. - Robbi - Colorado Springs, CO

There was a young couple standing by their car with a sign that said they were homeless and needed help.

They looked frozen and hungry so I bought them a couple of cheeseburgers and some fries.

Their faces just lit up when I pulled up and asked if they were hungry. They were so grateful! Made my day to pay it forward, but I couldn't help but cry and feel bad for them as I drove away.

ID: 12802

12/20/2014 5:16:56 AM. - Katie - Stamford

give your friend a Christmas present

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