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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 12849

11/28/2015 7:35:25 AM - Aimee - Brighouse

For Christmas I gave a homeless child a shoe box filled with

Warm clothes and shoes
Food and Sweets
And a note

11/28/2015 9:37:15 PM - Debbie - Merrimac mass

I. Went. Some. Pink. Roses. Wth. A. Ring

ID: 12848

11/26/2015 11:30:55 AM - madison - broomfield

I found 1,000 dollars and I gave it to the police and they said I could keep it. and another thing is I gave my mom edvice about what job to choose and how to be brave

12/5/2015 6:36:24 PM - ...... - ..

thats cool

ID: 12847

11/25/2015 11:45:12 PM - Deidre - BC Canada

One of my friends who knows how much I love flowers surprised me with a my own little garden patch that she planted, so any time I wanted I could (and did) enjoy beautiful flowers

12/5/2015 8:28:57 PM - Ponkey - United States

Cool. I am from BC too!

ID: 12846

11/24/2015 3:07:19 PM - shirley - carmel ca

I won money on a scratch ticket and gave the lady behind me $20 of it.

ID: 12845

11/24/2015 11:05:30 AM - Christina - USA

With some friends, I sewed a few small pillowcase dresses for little girls in Africa. They are the most adorable things ever!

12/2/2015 2:50:17 PM - teagan - usa

so sweet !

ID: 12844

11/24/2015 9:42:30 AM - Christina - USA

I participated in the Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child program. This is a program where you fill a shoe box with lots of goodies for a certain gender and age group. Then, the box is sent to an orphan in a foreign country. I did a box for a girl aged 10-14 this year. It is an amazing experience!

11/25/2015 11:27:47 PM - Evany - My Happy Place

I love the shoeboxes!!! I met a group of kids in Mexico who were so excited to show me what they got in their boxes :)

ID: 12843

11/21/2015 6:10:00 AM. - Joanne - Middleboro ma

Every year my husband and I pick a family of children and buy candy and treats and have them sent to them from #1 North POle Drive. It contains letters from Suzie Snowflake and and Santa's helpers.We find these families by just asking around about neighbors,co-workers,and anyone reference made by others.

ID: 12842

11/19/2015 3:38:25 PM - Christina - USA

I picked up a friend from the after school program when her parents couldn't come right away and she was bored.

ID: 12837

11/6/2015 7:15:36 AM - Jess Gonzalez - CA

There is a little girl in fifth grade who I met when I was playing tennis (I am in eighth). We go to the same school and every time I see her we high five or hug!

11/19/2015 3:34:00 PM - Christina - USA

The fifth grader is super sweet and nice!

ID: 12836

10/11/2015 6:16:48 PM. - booboo - Ontario

I helped my poppa and I was helping him work on a car in his garage

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